Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car (Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia)

Indonesia's best ideal family car (Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia) is a versatile vehicle that promises and implements safety and comfort for rider and passenger.

Indonesia www.toyota.astra.co.id/ Toyota has proven that Toyota's technological advantage that combines the perfection of the performance of the engine and passenger car engineering make their production vehicles as the best ideal family car Indonesia.
Ideal Concept Cars From Toyota

Toyota is understood that a car is called the ideal car if when you sit inside the vehicle, you immediately know that your desire has been achieved. Ideal car wrapped by the latest technologies that offer ease of driving, ranging from a gentle touch to the interior which is made from high quality materials, to ensure your comfort everyday driving.

As a market leader in the world of automotive industry, Toyota has and continues to develop the concept of the ideal car to be able to occupy a position as one of the best car manufacturers to design innovative and sophisticated engine design that is very responsive thanks to the use of technology that combines a machine that produces energy output machine optimized through the use of fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Toyota is very caring and attentive to all things, including an integrated security system that makes motorists remain safe and comfortable ride even in unfavorable driving conditions though.

Kijang Innova: Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car

In Indonesia, Toyota presents the best ideal family car Kijang Innova in Indonesia through its latest figures, with a face more attractive, more reliable with safe driving through the exclusive Dual SRS airbags, Side Impact Beam and ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) .*

Kijang Innova comes to use the latest generation engine results from Toyota's technology development that proved tough, stubborn, highly durable and easy to maintain. Steady acceleration, no noise, provide excellent control. It uses double wishbone front suspension with coil springs and stabilizer, which produces a light and nimble vehicle maneuver. A 4-link rear suspension with coil springs and lateral rod is flexible and sturdy. Ventilated disc brakes at the front wheel to make braking more stable and more secure.

Kijang Innova increased comfort perfect with a trendy stylingnya and aerodynamics. The interior was luxurious, spacious and airy. Well built body with a precision sheet metal. Standard equipment was a special-looking, comfortable and pleasant, Kijang Innova makes perfect as passenger vehicles and strengthen as the best Indonesian ideal family car (Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia).

* For Specific models

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Toyota - the Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car

For the purposes of mobility, each family must have longed for a car as the ideal means of transportation. Ideal assessment whether a car is relative depending on the needs of each family. Toyota as one of the world's largest car maker, has become one of the Best providers of Ideal Indonesian Family Car can rely on today.
Not because of the name that makes the Toyota as the Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car, but because they are able to answer that challenge. One example of Toyota's products are ideal as a family car as recommended by Parents Magazine and AAA (American Automobile Association) is the Kijang Innova.
In general, a family car called ideal if it meets the following criteria:
1. Enough capacity to accommodate all family members.

2. Competitive prices, including the option to make purchases on credit.

3. Flexible usage can be used for office purposes, family recreation, shopping, etc..

4. Packed with features - features that support Comfort and Safety drive

5. Fuel efficient

6. Using environmentally friendly emission technology

7. The existence of services for the purpose of maintenance and repair as indicated by the existence of the formal workshop.
The seven above criteria was the one who makes Toyota the Best Ideal Indonesian Family Car (Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia) . To find out more info about Ideal Family Car Best of Indonesia, can be read on the site www.toyota.astra.co.id

Jumat, 28 November 2008

Tutorial Membuat Blog

Saat ini membuat website bukanlah suatu hal yang sulit. Blog dapat dijadikan salah satu
alternatif, jika Anda ingin membuat website. Dengan blog Anda dapat membuat suatu website
sederhana sesuai dengan keinginan Anda dengan mudah dan gratis.
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan blog itu ? Berikut beberapa definisi mengenai blog:

1. Weblog atau blog merupakan teks dokumen, gambar, objek media dan data yang tersusun
secara hierarkis dan menurut kronologi tertentu yang dapat dilihat melalui bowser internet
(misalnya internet explorer)

2. Blog merupakan publikasi secara periodik dan tetap mengenai pemikiran personal
seseorang dan juga link web

3. Blog adalah jurnal yang disediakan pada sebuah web. Aktivitas meng-update sebuah blog
dinamakan “blogging”. Seseorang yang mengelola blog disebut “blogger”

4. Blog adalah suatu perjalanan yang berkesinambungan, dengan panduan logika yang
berkelanjutan dan konsisten. Topik dan pembahasan di dalam sebuah blog biasanya
konsisten pada topik utama, misalnya politik, sastra, musik dan sebagainya

5. Blog adalah jurnal yang disediakan pada web. Blog dapat di-update setiap hari dengan
suatu aplikasi yang disediakan oleh penyedia. Tidak dibutuhkan suatu keahlian khusus
untuk melakukan update atau mengelola blog. Posting dalam blog tersusun secara teratur
sesuai kriteria tertentu, biasanya dengan pengaturan urutan tanggal

Selengkapnya klik download.... :)

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Klo mau tahu cara meningkatkan pengunjung ke blog anda, Klik link berikut http://customizehtml.blogspot.com/2008/10/tips-meningkatkan-page-rank-bagi-pemula.html

Sabtu, 22 November 2008

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

Tips Meningkatkan Page Rank Bagi Pemula

Ringkasan ini tidak tersedia. Harap klik di sini untuk melihat postingan.

Senin, 15 September 2008

Menampilkan Status Yahoo Messenger Pada Blog dan Friendster

Keuntungan menampilkan status Yahoo Messenger pada blog atau web anda adalah pengunjung yang datang ke blog anda bisa menghubungi anda atau menanyakan sesuatu secara langsung melalui YM anda. Hal ini akan menjaga hubungan anda dengan pengunjung atau bisa meningkatkan loyalitas pengunjung sehingga pengunjung yang pernah datang ke blog anda kemungkinan besar akan kembali lagi.

Jika status YM anda sedang oflfline, maka tampilan gambarnya adalah sebagai berikut:

Dan jika sedang online, tampilannya sebagai berikut:

Untuk menampilkannya, caranya sangat mudah. Gunakan script di bawah ini.
Jika anda pengguna blogger, log in kemudian pilih menu "Page Element" dan pilih gadget "script".

Ganti ekymon dengan YM anda.
Perhatikan teks angka "2" di atas, anda bisa menggantinya. Hasilnya akan bagaimana? Bisa anda coba sendiri.

Anda wajib mencobanya !!!!

PS: Script ini bisa juga diterapkan pada Friendster, untuk bagian "about me" atau "describe who want you meet". Saya sarankan di tempatkan pada bagian "describe who want you meet" karena bagian ini paling dekat dengan bagian "comment". Jadi, jika ada yang ingin memposting comment pada FS anda, bisa dengan mudah melihat status YM anda.

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